Property Insurance

With all of the confusion surrounding the Local Government Property Insurance Fund (LGPIF), including rate increases and instability, the County Mutual is pleased to announce our Property Insurance Program.
The County Mutual’s Property Insurance Program provides broad coverage, service and rates that will bring peace of mind, added value and stability. The County Mutual began writing property insurance policies on September 1, 2015 and stands ready to provide property coverage for Wisconsin governmental entities.
Rate increases and re-valuations of property await current LGPIF policyholders. The commercial marketplace has also seized the opportunity to build market share and will begin the cumbersome underwriting process designed to “cherry-pick” the good accounts. As history has shown, when things don’t work in favor of these commercial carriers, risks will be non-renewed and market stratification will peak.
While the LGPIF’s future remains uncertain, the County Mutual is committed to providing a long-term property solution, featuring broad-based coverage, risk management services and stability in cost.
From the insurance crisis in 1985, to today’s unstable property insurance future, the Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation has been and will be there for Wisconsin’s public entities.
Please give Aegis Corporation, a Charles Taylor Company, the County Mutual General Administrator, a call at 800.236.6885 to ask about a proposal or answer any questions or concerns. We welcome the opportunity to meet with you, your board, or the committee of jurisdiction to discuss the Property Insurance Program and illustrate what sets the County Mutual apart from all others in the marketplace.
Learn More about Wisconsin County Mutual Property Insurance Program: